were Nehemiah (1680-?); Levin (1685-1725), who
married Margery (?-1764), daughter of Thomas
HoUyday (ca. 1661-1702/3). Her sisters were Eliz-
abeth, who married Benjamin Wailes (?-ca. 172SY
29); Priscilla, who married Robert King (1689-
1755). Her niece was Mary Elizabeth King (1715-
1739), who married Abraham Barnes (?-ca. 1778).
Sarah Covington Lloyd married second, in 1721,
James HoUyday (1696-1747). CHILDREN. SONS:
Edward (1705-1707); Philemon (1708-1729);
Edward Lloyd (1711-1770), who married in 1739
Ann (1721-1769), daughter of JohnRousby (1685-
1744); James (1715-1738); and Richard Lloyd (ca.
1717-1786), who married first, Anne Crouch, and
second, Elizabeth. DAUGHTER: Rebecca (1713-
?), who married William Anderson of London.
PRIVATE CAREER. EDUCATION: literate; well edu-
cated, probably in England. RELIGIOUS AFFILIA-
TION: Anglican, but his wife's family were Quak-
ers and his mother was a Catholic. SOCIAL STATUS
AND ACTIVITIES: third generation provincial of-
ficeholder, both grandfathers were councillors,
and his father served as speaker of the Lower
House; very high status on coming of age; headed
the most powerful family on the Eastern Shore.
OCCUPATION AL PROFILE: planter; merchant en-
gaged in transatlantic commerce with London and
ICE: Lower House, Talbot County, 1697/98-1700
(Laws 1, 3, 4; Aggrievances 2), 1701 (Laws 1;
appointed to the Council before the 2nd session
of the 1701-1704 Assembly); Upper House, 1701/
2-1704 (appointed before the 2nd session of the
1701-1704 Assembly), 1704-1707, 1708A, 1708B-
1711 (president 2-4), 1712-1714 (president 1-
4), 1715, 1716-1718 (no record of attendance).
19 (no record of attendance after February 13,
1715/16, when Thomas Brooke was appointed to
supersede Lloyd as senior member of the Coun-
cil); acting governor, 1709-1713/14. LOCAL OF-
FICE: justice, Talbot County, 1694-1700/1 (quo-
rum, 1695/96-1700/1). MILITARY SERVICE: colonel,
by 1698; major general of the Eastern Shore, 1707-
strong effort during tenure as acting governor to
uphold royal prerogative against emerging nativ-
ist faction; charged by Lower House in 1716 with
having taken a double salary as councillor and
acting chief executive during the years 1709-1714,
but the charge was finally dropped in 1719 out of
respect for Lloyd's widow. WEALTH DURING LIFE-
TIME. LAND AT FIRST ELECTION: at least 5,300 acres
in Talbot, Anne Arundel, Queen Anne's, and
Kent counties (800 acres in Talbot County in-
herited from Henry Hawkins (?-1673), 2,800 acres
in Queen Anne's County inherited from his father,
1 ,500 acres in Talbot and Anne Arundel counties
inherited from his grandfather Edward Lloyd (ca.
1620-1696), and ca. 250 acres in Talbot County
from his mother). WEALTH AT DEATH. DIED: on
March 20, 1718/19, in Talbot County. PERSONAL
PROPERTY: TEV, £8,946.7.7 current money and
108,283 pounds of tobacco (including 17 servants,
30 slaves, 1 brigantine, 1 sloop, £1,765.15.4 cur-
rent money in the hands of London merchants,
and 33,465 pounds of tobacco raised on his five
plantations the year he died); FB, £8,269.16.3
current money and 79,281 pounds of tobacco.
LAND: at least 7,000 acres in Talbot, Queen Anne's,
Kent, and Anne Arundel counties.
LLOYD, EDWARD (1711-1770). BORN: "before
sunrise," on May 8, 1711, in Talbot County; third
son. NATIVE: fourth generation. RESIDED: at "Wye
House," on the Wye River, Talbot County. FAM-
ILY BACKGROUND. FATHER: Edward Lloyd (1670-
1718/19), son of Philemon Lloyd (1646-1685).
STEPFATHER. James Hollyday (1696-1747).
MOTHER. Sarah (1683-1755). UNCLES. Philemon
Lloyd (ca. 1674-1732/33); James Lloyd (1679/80-
1723). AUNTS: Anna Maria Lloyd (1677-1748),
who married Richard Tilghman (1672/73 -17367
39); Margaret Lloyd (1683-1747), who married
Matthew Tilghman Ward (ca. 1676-1741); Pris-
cilla Covington, who married Robert King (1689-
1755); and Elizabeth Covington (?-ca. 1729), who
married Benjamin Wailes (?-ca. 1728/29).
BROTHERS: Edward (1705-1707); Philemon (1708-
1729); James (1715-1738); and Richard Lloyd (ca.
1717-1786). HALF BROTHERS: James Hollyday
(1722-1786); Henry HoUyday (ca. 1725-1789).
SISTER: Rebecca (1713-ca. 1776). HALF SISTER:
Sarah Hollyday (1717-1729). FIRST COUSINS: Mary
King (1715-1739), who married Abraham Barnes
(?-ca. 1778); Dorothy Blake, who married Charles
Carroll (1691-1755); Henrietta Maria Lloyd (?-
1766), who married second, Daniel Dulany (1685-
1753); William Tilghman (1711-1782); Edward
Tilghman (1713-1785); James Tilghman (1716-
1793); Matthew Tilghman (1717/18-1790); Hen-
rietta Maria Tilghman (1707-1771), who married
first, George Robins (1697-1742), and second,
William Goldsborough (1709-1760); Mary Tilgh-
man (1702-1736), who married James Earle, Jr.
(ca. 1694-1739); Robert Lloyd (ca. 1712-1770);
Henrietta Maria Lloyd (1710-1748), who mar-
ried second, Samuel Chamberlaine (1698-1773);