amendatory of the act incorporating the Woodberry
Manufacturing Company-of Baltimore county, passed
January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,
chapter four hundred and sixty-three..............
No. 35. An act to provide for the restoration of certain
Records in the office of the Register of Wills for
Anne Arundel county ............................
No. 36. An act to repeal section five of chapter one
hundred and seventeen of the acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January ses-
sion of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and en-
titled an act to more particularly define the powers
and duties of the County Commissioners of Harford
county in adjusting and levying for claims preferred
against said county, and to re-enact the same with
amendments .......................................
No. 37. An act to amend article twenty-six of the Code
of Public General Laws of this State, relating to
"Corporations," as re-enacted by the act of January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter
four hundred and seventy-one, by adding thereto an
additional section in order to provide for due suc-
cession in corporations which are mentioned in Class
"One" of the fourteenth section of said act last re-
ferred to, and have been or may be' formed under
General or Special Laws of this State for educational,
literary, sanitary, charitable, benevolent or other
purposes in said Class "One" mentioned............
No. 38. An act to constitute St. Mark's Church at Kings-
ton, in Somerset county, Maryland, the Parish Church
of Coventry Parish, in Somerset county, Maryland.
No. 39. An act to repeal chapter one of the' acts passed
by the General Assembly at the January session of
eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled an act to
repeal sections two, four, five and six'of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester county,'' sub-
title "County Commissioners," as enacted by the act
of Assembly of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight,
chapter one hundred and sixty, and to re-enact the
same with amendments, providing for a change in