of article twenty of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Talbot county," sub-title "Easton," relating to
licensing dogs ...................................
No. 29 An act to incorporate the American College of
the Roman Catholic Church of the United States...
No. 30. An act to refund to the Consolidated Gas Com-
pany of Baltimore city, a sum of money erroneously
paid into the State Treasury for State taxes for the
year eighteen hundred and eighty- f our ..........
No. 31. An act to repeal chapter four hundred and
eighty-two of the acts of eighteen hundred and
eighty-four, entitled an act to require the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Charles county to prepare
and make a general index of the Land .Records of
Charles county, prior to the year eighteen hundred
and eighty-four, and to prepare and keep a general
index of all deeds recorded during and after the
year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, and to re-
enact the following in lieu thereof.................
No. 32. An Act to repeal section one hundred and ninety-
three of article three of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Baltimore county," sub-title "Sheriff,"
and sub-sections.one and two of said act, passed at the
January session of the Legislature, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and seventy-four, chapter f our hundred
and nine, and to re-enact the same so as to read as
follows .......................................
No. 33. An Act to repeal chapter forty, passed at the
January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,
entitled an act to incorporate the town of Western-
port, Allegany county, Maryland, and chapter one
hundred and twenty- seven, passed at the January
session, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-two, en-
titled an act to add certain sections to the charter
of the town of Westernport, in Allegany county, and
to re-enact the same so as to read as follows........
No. 34. An act to amend the act of Assembly, passed
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-six,
chapter one hundred and thirty, which is an act