diction, be fined not more than two hundred
dollars for every such offence, and after rea-
sonable notice not exceeding fifteen days from
the State Board of Health, or any local Sani-
tary authority, to discontinue the act whereby
such water-supply is fouled, a further sum of
not more than fifty dollars for every day
during which the offence is continued.
Approved March 10, 1886.
AN ACT to repeal chapter two hundred and
fifty-nine of the acts of Assembly, passed
at January session, eighteen hundred and
eighty, entitled an act to amend chapter one
hundred and eight, of the act of Assembly,
passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy- eight, entitled an act to add
an additional article to the Code of Public
Local Laws, to be entitled "Garrett county,"
by striking out the section known as section
twenty A, limiting the expenses for county
SECTION I, Be it enacted l>y the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That chapter two hun-
dred 'and fifty-nine of the acts of Assembly,
passed at the January session of eighteen hun-
dred and eighty, entitled an act to amend
chapter one hundred and eight of the acts of
Assembly, passed at the January session of
eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled
an act to add an additional article to the Code
of Public Local Laws, to be entitle'd "Garrett
county,'1 be and the same is hereby repealed.