hereby given to the acquisition by the "Trus-
tees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the-
city and precincts of Baltimore," a body cor-
porate under the laws of this State, of the fol-
lowing property, to wit: the leasehold interest
in and to a lot of ground on Light street, in
the City of Baltimore, which by deed of assign-
ment dated the fifteenth day of July, eighteen
hundred and sixteen, duly recorded amongst
the Land Records of Baltimore county, now
city, in Liber W. G., No. one hundred and
thirty-eight, folio two hundred and eighty-
one, &c., was granted and assigned by William
Branson to said corporation, subject to a ground-
rent of eighty dollars per annum; the lease-
hold interest in and to a lot of ground in the
city of Baltimore, on Fayette street, near
Paca, which by deed of assignment dated the
eleventh day of March, eighteen hundred and
seventy-two, duly recorded among said records
of said city, in Liber G. R., No. five hundred
and fifty-five, folio four hundred and forty-one,
Sanction to
&c., was granted and assigned by " The Charles
Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Balti-
more " to said corporation; the leasehold in-
terest in and to that lot of ground on Fayette-
and Charles streets, in Baltimore city, which
by deed of assignment, dated the eleventh day
of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
duly recorded among the Land Records of Bal-
timore city, in Liber G. R., No. five hundred
and fifty-five, folio four hundred and forty-one,
&c., was granted and assigned by "The Charles
Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Balti-
more " to said corporation; the reversionary
interest in a nd to said last-mentioned lot, which
by deed dated the thirteenth day of Decem-
ber, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, duly
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
city, in Liber J. B., No. nine hundred and
eighty-nine, folio two-hundred and eighty-
eight, &c., was granted and conveyed by An-
gelica Didier to said corporation; the lease-
hold interest in and to a lot of ground situated
at the northwest corner of St. Paul and Third