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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 786   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the
corporation created by this act shall have
power to take and hold, for the benefit of said
institution, such property, real, personal or
mixed, as shall be needed in erecting and per-
fecting the same by gift, grant, purchase, de-
vise or otherwise, and the same improve, lease,

To hold prop-

exchange or sell and convey at pleasure, and
shall have power to establish by-laws and
orders for the regulation and discipline of paid
institution; provided, that the value of real
estate held at any time by said corporation
shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars over
and above the amount necessary for the requi-
site buildings, chemical, philosophical, nauti-
cal, mechanical and military apparatus, furni-
ture, library, and other appurtenances to the
objects specifically contemplated by this act.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the
corporation created by this act shall have the
power to admit students or cadets of the said
institution who shall merit the distinction to
the office and profession of Bachelor of Arts,
Master of Arts, and Civil Engineer; and to

Admit stu-

grant to students or cadets of the said institu-
tion such certificate of proficiency and attain-
ments in any special study as the said institu-
tion may see proper to confer; and to grant the
honorary degrees of Master of Arts, Bachelor
of Arts or such other degrees or orders of merit
as the said institution may see proper to any
student or graduate who may merit such dis-

Governor to
annually in-

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the
Governor of this State shall cause an annual
inspection to be made of the discipline, courses
of study and general management of this in-
stitution by a Board of five persons, to be chosen
by him; and the Governor of the State is fur-
ther authorized to appoint and commission the
Superintendent with the rank of Colonel, and
the Military Professor with the rank of Major
in the State troops.

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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 786   View pdf image (33K)
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