said, and the said officer, with the persons fur-
nishing information as aforesaid, and aiding
and assisting in the arrest, as aforesaid, shall
sell the same to the highest bidder for cash
after ten days' notice.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if the person
or persons so convicted shall think him or
themselves aggrieved by such conviction, he
or they shall be at liberty to appeal from the
judgment of the Justice of the Peace within
ten days from the rendition thereof to the Cir-
cuit Court of Queen Anne's county; provided,
he or they shall give bond to the State of
Maryland, with two sufficient sureties, to be
approved by said Justice, in double the amount
of the value of the boat, vessel, canoe, tug,
launch, float or other craft, and property so
seized, and fines imposed to be estimated by
the Justice, conditioned to prosecute his ap-
peal to the said Circuit Court with effect; and
it shall be the duty of the Justice allowing the
appeal immediately to deliver the bond to the
party making the arrest; and in case of forfeit-
ing of the conditions of the bond the said offi-
cers may prosecute the same for the use of
himself and those giving information or aid-
ing him in the arrest as aforesaid.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, If resistence be
made to the officers engaged in making such
arrest or seizure, such resistence shall be
deemed a misdemeanor presentable by the
Grand Jury of Queen Anne's county, and pun-
ishable in the Circuit Court by fine and im-
prisonment as other misdemeanors are pun-
Fine — dis-
posed of.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That after pay-
ment of the costs of prosecution of the offend-
ers including Jail fees, in case of imprisonment
for non-payment of fine, the balance arising
from fine and sales of the boat, and other
property, shall be divided and apportioned as
follows: two-thirds thereof to the officer and