the property of W. W. Bo wen; thence by and
with, the lines of W. W. Bowen's property to
the northwest corner of the livery stable prop-
erty of Mrs. Mary T. Gawlthrop; thence by a.
straight line in an easterly direction to the
northeast corner of the lot now owned by
Wm. E. Temple, Jr.; thence in a straight line
running south to the north edge of Barcus'
mill pond; thence by and with the north edge
of said mill pond and stream to the place of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to authorize and require the County-
Commissioners of Baltimore county to levy
a sum of money to be applied to the build-
ing of a school house in the neighborhood
of Habitation, on the road known as the
" Parkton Road," in the Fifth Election Dis-
trict of Baltimore county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by tlie General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore county are hereby author-
ized and required, at the next annual levy
ensuing the passage of this act, to levy on the
Make levy for
schoel bouse.
assessable property of said county for the sum.
of five hundred dollars for the purpose of
building a school house, as hereinafter men-
tioned, and said sum, or so much thereof as
maybe necessary, shall then be applied by and
for that purpose paid to the School Commis-
sioners of said county for the erection of a.
Public School house at some point on the Park-
ton road in the neighborhood of Habitation, in
the Fifth Election District of said county,.