AN ACT authorizing and directing tile State
Librarian to furnish from, the State Library,
for the use of the Orphans' Court of Garrett
county and the County Commissioners of
said county, certain Maryland Reports, Acts
of Assembly and other books.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the State Librarian
be and he is hereby authorized and directed,
to furnish from the copies on hand in the Li-
brary, for the use of the Orphans' Court for
Garrett county, such volumes from number
one to number thirty-three, inclusive, of the
Maryland Reports, Revised Code of the Public
General Laws of Maryland, Laws of Maryland
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and the
Maryland Digests, viz: Norris, Brown and Brune;
Stockett, Merrick and Miller, and Cohen and
Lee; and for the use of the County Commis-
sioners of said county, the Laws of Maryland
for eighteen hundred and seventy-four and
eighteen hundred and seventy-six, as can be,
in the judgment of the Librarian, furnished
from the books now in hand without detri-
ment to the Library.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the books to
be furnished under the first section of this
act, and all other books that have heretofore
Librarian to
furnish law
been furnished, or that may hereafter be furn-
ished for the use of said Orphans' Court, shall
be under the dired ion and control of said
Court, to be presented and taken care of as
said Court shall direct.
Under con-
trol—of whom.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1 , 1886.