SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Com-
missioners shall receive all returns of elections
and determine all questions arising thereon,
and in case of non-election of a Commissioner
Returns of
or Treasurer by reason of a tie vote, disquali-
fication or other cause, shall, within ten days,
thereafter, order a new election giving ten-
days public notice thereof; an appeal may be-
taken from their decisions to the Circuit Court
of Prince George's county, the losing parties
paying cost thereof.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the Com-
missioners may pass such ordinances, not incon-
sistent with law, as they may deem beneficial
to the town; may grade and pave streets, lanes
and alleys, remove nuisances and obstructions.
Pass ordi-
therefrom; restrain all disorders and disturb-
ances; prevent all congregations of disorderly
persons in public places; apprehend and fine
all tramps and vagabonds; impose a tax on
dogs, geese, hogs and all other animals run-
ning at large in the streets, or totally prohibit
the same; and may impose fines, penalties and
forfeitures not exceeding twenty dollars for
any one offence for the violation of their ordi-
nances, and commit offenders to the county
Jail until the same be paid, with costs.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners may pass such ordinances as they may
deem necessary, for the preservation of the
health of the town, and remove all nuisances
from and prohibit all business within the
corporate limits thereof, as shall, in their
opinion, injuriously affect the sanitary condi-
tion thereof.
Make levy.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners may adopt the current assessments
made or to be made on real and personal prop-
erty for county purposes, and are empowered
to levy on said assessed property within the
corporate limits an equal tax from time to time,
not exceeding in any one year the sum of fif-
teen cents on each hundred dollars assessed