office on or before the first Monday in June
succeeding- his election, and a failure to qual-
ify within the time herein specified, shall be
deemed a refusal to accept the office; where-
upon, the Commissioners shall order a new
election to fill the vacancy; and it shall be
the duty of the Commissioners to cause to be
issued a certificate of election to the person
receiving the highest number of votes for
Treasurer of said town; and in case of a tie
vote for the office of Treasurer, the Commis-
sioners shall order a new election.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners shall annually appoint a Clerk, who
«hall keep the minutes of their proceedings
in a well-bound book, which shall be open to
the inspection of all persons interested therein,
and shall perform such duties as the Commis-
sioners may assign him.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners may also annually appoint a Chief
Bailiff and such number of under Bailiffs as
they may deem necessary.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners shall allow their Clerk, Chief Bailiff
and under Bailiffs such compensation as they
shall think proper.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Com-
missioners and all other officers of the cor-
poration shall, before they enter upon the
duties of their office, make oath that they
will diligently and faithfully, to the best of
their skill and judgment, perform the duties of
their office, and shall file a certificate thereof,
of the officer before whom the same was made,
among the records of the corporation.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the Clerk
Make oath.
and Chief Bailiff shall give bond to the Com-
missioners in such penalty and with such
sureties as said Commissioners may require,
conditioned for the faithful performance of
the duties of their respective officers.
Give bond.