AN ACT to repeal article twenty-nine, sections
seven and eight of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title "Courts,'' sub-title "Appoint-
ment of Assistant Counsel," and re-enact the
same with amendments, under the sub-title
"Appointment of Counsel."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That article twenty-nine,
sections seven and eight of the Code of Public
Repealed and
General Laws, title "Courts," sub-title "Ap-
pointment of Assistant Counsel" be and the
same are hereby repealed and re-enacted, so as
to read as follows: " Appointment of Counsel."
SEC. 7. The Circuit Courts for the several
counties and the Criminal Court of Baltimore
may appoint Assistant Counsel for the State,
to aid in the trial of criminal or other State
cases in said Courts, whenever, in the judg-
ment of the Court in which any such case is
pending, the public interest requires it; and
the said Courts may likewise appoint counsel
to defend any person in the trial of any crimi-
nal case in said Courts, whenever, in the judg-
ment of the Court in which any such case is
pending, a just regard for the rights of the
accused requires it.
SEC. 8. The County Commissioners of the
several counties and the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore shall levy and pay for the
services rendered by any person appointed by
the Court to assist in the prosecution or de-
fense of any case, provided, the amount paid
for such services in any one case shall riot ex-
ceed one hundred dollars; provided, that in no
case tried in any Court of criminal jurisdiction
in the city of Baltimore, shall any Attorney
be entitled to demand or receive the fees for
defending in criminal cases provided for in
section nine of article thirty-eight of this Code,