County," and sections one hundred and three,
one hundred and seven, one hundred and nine,
one hundred and eleven, one hundred and
twelve, one hundred and thirteen, one hundred
and eighteen, one hundred and nineteen, one
hundred and twenty and one hundred and
twenty-four of same chapter, as re-enacted and
amended by acts of eighteen hundred and
eighty-four, chapter one hundred and twenty-
six, be and the same are hereby repealed,
amended and re-enacted to read as follows and
additional sections added thereto.
Elect by bal-
SEC. 101. The inhabitants of the town of
Oakland, in Garrett county, are a corporation
by the name of the Mayor and Council of Oak-
land, and by that name may sue and be sued
and have and use a common seal.
SEC. 103. The male citizens of the town of
Oakland of twenty-one years of age and up-
wards, who have resided therein for six months
preceding the election, shall, on the third Mon-
day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and
eighty-six, and every two years thereafter, elect
by ballot one person residing in said town to
be Mayor of said town, and to serve as such
for the term of two years, and until his suc-
cessor is duly elected and qualified; and the
citizens aforesaid shall also elect on said third
Monday in April, and on the same date an-
nually thereafter, three persons to be mem-
bers of the Council of said town, and who shall
have resided in said town for at least one year
prior to said election, and said members shall
serve for the term of two years and until their
successors are elected and qualified; and the
three persons who shall be first elected under
the provisions of this act, shall, in conjunction
with the three holding over Commissioners
now in office, constitute the Council for the en-
suing year, and until the successors of the said
Commissioners shall have been duly elected
under this act; and said members of the Coun-
cil shall receive the sum of one dollar for each