AN ACT to authorize the County Commis-
sioners of Queen Anne's county to correct
a mistake made in the locating of the pub-
lic landing at Centreville Landing, in said
county, and prescribing the way said correc-
tion may be made.
WHEREAS, It was the purpose in establish-
ing the public landing at Centreville wharf, on
Corsica creek, that the southern line thereof
should run with and along the divisional line
between the wharf property of the late Au-
gustus McCabe and that of Capt. C. H. Clash;
WHEREAS the Examiners in locating said land-
ing, by reason of misunderstanding the location
of said line, omitted a small triangular part of
said Clash's land, and which now is of use to
said Clash, and which he cannot reach except
over the land condemned or the land of others;
WHEREAS this error and mistake was lately
discovered, although the return of said Exam-
iners was long since finally confirmed and
ratified; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the County Com-
missioners of Queen Anne's county are hereby
fully authorized and empowered to have the
County Surveyor relocate and resurvey said
public landing in Corsica creek, at Centreville
landing, so that the aforesaid divisional line
shall be one of the lines thereof, and so that
said public landing as relocated and resur-
veyed shall contain the same quantity of land
and have at least as much water-front as it
contains as now located and established, and
to return to them his plat and certificate of
the same.