officers as the said corporation may deem re-
quisite for the management of the affairs-
thereof; provided, that the Trustees and other
officers now in office under said act of the
State of Delaware, shall continue for one year,
and until a new election of officers shall be
made by the said corporation, and it shall and
may be lawful for the said corporation, or so
many of them as constitute a Presbytery as
aforesaid, to meet at such other times and
places as the members of said corporation,
when convened, shall appoint and direct, or
as shall, in their recess, be prescribed and
directed by the Moderator of the said Presby-
tery, agreeably to the powers in him vested
by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church,
and at any such meeting may supply such va-
cancies as may have happened by the death or
refusal to act of the Trustees or officers afore-
said, or if they deem it expedient and neces-
sary, may proceed to a new election by ballot
of President, Trustees, and other officers afore-
said, from time to time as occasion may, in
their opinion, require; and likewise, may at
May establish
any such meeting as aforesaid, make, ordain
and establish such rules, regulations and by-
laws as may be necessary for the government
of said corporation and its officers, and to
amend, alter and change the same as may be
requisite and proper; provided, that nothing
herein contained shall be construed to au-
thorize said corporation to exercise any powers
repugnant to the Constitution and Laws of this
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Presi-
dent, Trustees and officers of said corporation
shall be capable of exercising such powers for
the management of the affairs of said corpora-
tion as may be prescribed and determined by
the rules, regulations or by-laws thereof.
Hold and grant.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said cor-
poration is hereby declared and made capable
in law and equity to hold, take, purchase, re-