AN ACT to incorporate the Presbytery of
New Castle.
WHEREAS the Presbytery of New Castle, in
connection with and under the jurisdiction of
the General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church, in the United States of America, by
virtue of an act of the Legislature of the State
of Delaware, passed at Dover, in said State,
February third, eighteen hundred and eight,
hath been made and constituted a body cor-
porate within said State; and
WHEREAS the territory embraced in the juris-
diction of the said Presbytery of New Castle
includes the counties of the Eastern Shore of
the State of Maryland, as well as the State of
Delaware, for the purpose of devising means
for raising a fund for the education of poor
and pious youth for the Gospel Ministry and
other religious purposes, and for the better dis-
posal thereof, and such other aids which the
members of said Presbytery may from time
to time receive.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That all persons who,
at the time of passing this act, and all those
who shall hereafter be, and become members
of the New Castle Presbytery, be now, and
hereafter shall be, and they are hereby created
and made a body politic and corporate, by the
name and style of "The Presbytery of New
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the members
of the said corporation, or so many of them
as constitute a Presbytery, according to the
rules an d discipline of the Presbyterian Church,
shall meet from time to time, and proceed to
elect by ballot, a President and any number
of Trustees, not less than nine nor exceeding
thirteen, a Secretary, Treasurer and such other
Election of