SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the County-
Commissioners shall apply thirty thousand
dollars of the loan authorized by this act, to-
How applied.
the liquidation of the floating debt of the
county, eight thousand dollars to the repair-
ing and remodeling of the Court House, and
seven thousand dollars to the construction and
furnishing of an insane asylum at the Alms
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That Henry H.
Mitchell, William J. Jones, Henry S. Condon,
Daniel Harvey and William T. Miller, be and
they are hereby appointed a commission to ap-
prove plans and specifications, award contracts
for, and superintend the repairing and re-
modeling of the Court House, and the con-
struction and furnishing of the insane asylum;
and for all services rendered shall receive such
reasonable compensation as the County Com-
missioners may allow; and the said County
Commissioners shall execute all contracts
awarded by said commission and pay to the
contractors, upon the warrant of said commis-
sion, such sums as may become due under said
contracts; provided, that said commission
shall not exceed eight thousand dollars, in
contracts awarded for repairing and remodel-
ing the Court House, nor seven thousand dol-
lars in constructing and furnishing an insane
asylum at the Alms House, and shall have
no interest in said contracts; and all vacancies
that may occur in said commission shall be
filled by the members thereof, and a majority
of the members of said commission shall con-
stitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
SEC. 6. And 'be it enacted, That all acts or
parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions
of this act be and the same are hereby
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.