AN ACT to incorporate the American College
of the Roman Catholic Church of the United
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That James Gibbons,
Arch- Bishop of Baltimore; Patrick J. Ryan,
Arch-Bishop of Philadelphia; Michael A. Cor-
rigan, Arch-Bishop of New York, and John J.
Williams, Arch-Bishop of Boston, be and they
are hereby constituted a body corporate by
the name of " The American College of the Ro-
man Catholic Church of the United States," and
by that name shall have perpetual succession,
the right to sue and be sued, the right to con-
tract and be contracted with, to make and use a
common seal and to alter the same at pleasure,
and may acquire, have, hold, possess, use and
enjoy upon the trust and for the uses and pur-
poses of said corporation, by purchase, gift,
grant, devise or bequest, personal, real and
mixed property and estate, wheresoever the
same may be situate or being, whether within
or without the State of Maryland, and may at
pleasure assign, transfer, sell, lease, grant, alien
and convey any and all of said property and
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the principal
office of said corporation shall be in the city
of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the object
and purposes of said corporation are the educa-
tion of young men, citizens of the United
States, for the ministry of the Roman Catholic
Church; and in order that said object and
purposes may be attained, the said corporation
is hereby authorized and empowered to use
and employ its aforesaid property and estate,
and the income thereof in payment and liqui-
dation of such charges and expenses as may
be incurred in the education, maintenance and