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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 336   View pdf image (33K)
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the corporate limits thereof for six months next
preceding the election, and all male citizens of
the United States who own any interest in
real estate, or on houses in said town, of the
age of twenty-one years and over, shall, on the
first Monday in May, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-six, and shall, every two
years thereafter, on the first Monday in May,
elect from among the male citizens of said
town, who are legal voters, and have resided


within its corporate limits for twelve months
next preceding the date of such election — they
being tax-payers on either real or personal
property therein — a Mayor and four Common
Councilmen, to serve for two years from the
date of their election, and until their successors
are duly elected and qualified, and the services
of said Mayor and Common Councilmen shall
be gratuitous and without pay.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That T. H. Sim-
mons, Frank Thrasher and T. H. Schoolfield
be and they are hereby appointed Judges of


Election to hold the first election under this
act, who shall give at least five days' notice by
posting not less than three written or printed
notices in three or more conspicuous public
places in said town, of the time and place at
which said election shall be held; and the
said Judges of Election, before opening the
polls, shall take an oath before some Justice
of the Peace of said county, to permit every
qualified voter as aforesaid to vote, and none
other; and a majority of said three Judges
shall have power to do all things named under
this section in case one of them dies or refuses
to act; and said Judges shall keep the polls
open at least three consecutive hours, and
shall record the names of the voters, and after
the closing of the polls shall at once count the
ballots and announce the result, and make and
sign a certificate thereof, to be filed among the
records of said corporation; and the said Mayor
and Common Councilmen so elected, shall, as
soon thereafter as convenient, qualify and

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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 336   View pdf image (33K)
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