pay the same to the Treasurer of the School
fund of Dorchester county, to be applied to
the benefit of the Public Schools of said county.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That before this
act shall become a law it shall be submitted
to the qualified voters of that part of the
Fork District included within this act, to
determine its application thereto, at a special
election to be held on the third Tuesday in
April, eighteen hundred and eighty-six; and
the County Commissioners of Dorchester
county are hereby authorized and directed
to appoint three Judges for said election,
which shall be conducted in accordance with
the requirements of the law regulating elec-
tions, and the poll and other registration books
or lists used at the last general election for
Special elec-
said district shall be used by said Judges to de-
termine the qualification of voters; provided,
further, that the voters shall reside within
that part of said Fork District included in
this act; and the Judges of Election, or a ma-
jority of them, shall be satisfied that said
voters reside within said territory, either from
their own knowledge, or from evidence fur-
nished by the persons offering to vote; and
the Sheriff of Dorchester county shall give at
least ten days' notice of the time and place of
holding said election, by advertisements in one
newspaper published in said county, and he
shall furnish said Judges of Election with the
necessary poll-books and registration list, the
same to be made out by the Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court for Dorchester county, from regis-
tration books for said District Number One or
Fork, now in his office; and at said election
the ballots shall have written or printed on
Ten days' no-
them the words "For the stock law," or "Against
the stock law;" and if it shall be ascertained
and returned to the Clerk of said Circuit Court
by the Judges of said Election that a majority
of said votes were cast against the "stock
law," then the law at present existing shall
continue in full force and virtue in said terri-
Manner of