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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 329   View pdf image (33K)
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as aforesaid, not exceeding twenty-five cents
on every one hundred dollars of the assessed
value thereof, which shall be a lien on the said
property, real, personal and mixed, of the tax-


payers of said city, respectively, until paid,
and interest shall be chargeable on such taxes
after thirty days from the time when such
tax is due and payable, and said taxes shall
be due and payable thirty days from the date
of levying the same; the said corporation may
also, in its discretion, allow a discount not ex-
ceeding five per centum for prompt payment
of said taxes.

May levy

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.

Approved April 2, 1886.



AN ACT to prevent stock running at large in
that part of District Number One or Fork
lying on the west side of the northwest fork
of the Nanticoke river, in Dorchester county.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted 'by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That it shall not be

lawful for stock of any kind to go at large with-
out attendants in that part of District Number
One or Fork lying on the west side of the north-
west prong of the Nanticoke river, in Dor-
chester county.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be
lawful for any person and the duty of any Con-
stable of said District Number One or Fork, to
take up any horse, mare or gelding mule,

Unlawful to
run at large.

horned cattle, swine or other stock running at
large and without attendants in that part of
said District Number One or Fork, specified in
this act; and the person or Constable so taking
up any stock shall impound the same, and if


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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 329   View pdf image (33K)
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