AN ACT to repeal chapter four hundred and
thirty of the acts of eighteen hundred and
eighty-four, entitled "An act to repeal and
re-enact with amendments, section ninety-
three of article nine of the Code of Public
Local Laws," entitled "Charles county," sub-
title "Roads,'' as amended by chapter two
hundred and ninety-four of the acts passed
January session, eighteen hundred and sev-
enty, entitled "An act to add additional sec-
tions to the Code of Public Local Laws for
Charles county, under the head of 'Roads/
and to re-enact the following in lieu thereof,
and to repeal section ninety-five of the last
named act."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That section ninety-
three of article nine of the Code of Public
Local Laws, entitled "Charles county,'' sub-
title "Roads," as amended by chapter two hun-
dred and ninety- four of the acts passed Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and seventy,
entitled an act to add additional sections to
the Code of Public Local Laws for Charles
county, under the head of "Roads," and as
amended by chapter four hundred and thirty
of the acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-
four, be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted so as to read as follows :
SECTION 93. It shall be the duty of the County
Commissioners of Charles county, to provide
for the repairs of all the public roads and
bridges of said county, and for that purpose
Repealed and
shall levy upon the assessable property of the
county, and pay the expenditures for such re-
pairs, and all incidental expenses arising there-
from; provided, however, they shall not ex-
pend for such purpose in any one year more
Roads and