chapter two hundred and twenty-eight of the
acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
entitled "An act to repeal and re-enact section
twenty of an act passed at the present session
of the General Assembly of Maryland," entitled
"An act to regulate the inspection of tobacco,"
be and the same are hereby repealed and re-
enacted so as to read as follows :
SEC. 11. Every Inspector shall have uncased
and break every hogshead of tobacco that may
be delivered for inspection in not less than
five different places for Maryland and Ohio,
and not less than three different places for
Kentucky and Virginia, and in as many more
places as may be necessary to fully determine
the contents of said hogshead; and if the In-
spector shall be of the opinion that such to-
bacco is sound, clean and in good order, then
he shall select from each break as many
bundles as will correctly represent the differ-
ent qualities of tobacco contained in the break,
and the bundles so selected shall be considered
the sample of the hogshead; he shall also
have the hogshead properly marked with its
number, the year of inspection, and the names
legibly written of the owner on each head and
bilge, and shall have the tare and net weight
marked with iron on the bilge.
SEC. 12. If any Inspector shall, upon exami-
nation of any hogshead of tobacco, have reason
to suspect that the same is trash or false
packed, he shall cause the same to be shaken
out and repacked, and shall charge for so
doing the sum of two dollars per hogshead,
the same to be paid by the owner or his agent,
and if any Inspector shall find that the pack-
age, cask or hogshead containing said tobacco
is constructed of green or unseasoned timber,
it shall be his duty to uncase said tobacco
and furnish a new and dry package, cask or
hogshead for the same at the cost and expense
of the owner of said tobacco or his agent; said
cost and expense not to exceed, however, the
sum of one dollar for each package, cask or
hogshead so furnished.