town commissioners, together with the ballots cast,
and the persons receiving the highest number of votes
shall be declared elected commissioners, and the said
certificate shall be recorded.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That if any vacancy shall
Vacancy — how
happen in the office of commissioner, the president
shall cause an election to be held in the way and man-
lier as provided in the preceding section.
SEC. 8. Be it enacted. That every person elected a
commissioner shall, before he enters upon the duties of
his office, make oath before some justice of the peace
that he will diligently and faithfully, without favor or
Officers oath.
partiality or prejudice, perform the duties of a com-
missioner of said town, and a certificate of such quali-
fication shall be returned by the justice of the peace
to the commissioners, and be filed and recorded among
their proceedings.
SEC. 9. Be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall meet on the Wednesday ensuing their election,
or as soon thereafter as convenient, and as of ten there-
after as they shall determine by by-laws or ordinances,
and shall each receive the sum of fifty cents per meet-
ing, provided that none of them shall receive more
than six dollars per annum as salary. The said com-
missioners, at their first meeting, shall select one of
Elect president
their number as president, who shall preside at their
meetings and exercise other functions as may be con-
ferred upon him by the by-laws or ordinances; the
president shall see that the ordinances are duly and
faithfully executed, and shall report annually in the
month of May the general state of the town, with
accurate account of the money received and expended,
to be posted tip in one conspicuous place in said town
for the information of the citizens, and shall make
such suggestions as in his judgment are proper for the
wise and economical government of the town.
SEC. 10. The said commissioners shall, at their first
meeting, appoint a town clerk for and during their
term, who shall keep a record of their proceedings in
a well bound book, to be provided by them for that pur-
Duties of town
posej and to be subject to the inspection of the inhab-
itants of said town and all persons interested therein;
the said clerk shall also act as treasurer for said town,
and shall give bond to the commissioners in the penalty
of not less than five hundred dollars, with a surety or
sureties to be approved by them, and shall perform