and eighty perches; thence north twenty-six and
a-half degrees, west eighty perches to the beginning,
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That there shall be five com-
missioners for said town, who stall hold office for two
years from the date of their election, or until their
successors are duly elected and qualified, who shall be
elected by ballot by the qualified voters of said town,
Term and quali-
and who shall be at least twenty-five years of age and
fications of the
a bona fide resident of said town for at least twelve
months next preceding the date of his election, and
shall also possess in his own right, or in the right of
his wife, real or leasehold property in said town of the
assessed value of two hundred dollars.
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That the male inhabitants of
said town above the age of twenty-one years, who
have resided in said town for six months next preced-
Electors quali-
ing the date of election, shall possess the qualifications
of electors of commissioners for said town. The qual-
ified voters of said town shall, on the first Monday in
May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and
eighty-four, between the hours of twelve o'clock m.
Election — when
and five p. m., and in like manner every two years
thereafter, elect by ballot five persons of known integ-
rity, experience and sound judgment, to be commis-
sioners of said town.
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the commissioners of said town, at the first election to
be held under this act, as provided in the preceding
Duty of the
section, and at every election thereafter, to appoint
three judges of election, one of whom, at least, shall
be of the opposite political party, and shall give notice
of the time and polling place and names of the judges
appointed as aforesaid; such notice shall be posted in
two conspicuous places, at least five days before elec-
tion; each of said persons so, as aforesaid, appointed
judge of election shall, before he proceeds to act as
such judge, make oath before a justice of the peace for
Judges take
the said county, or one of the commissioners of said
town, that he will faithfully and impartially dis-
charge the duties of his office, and upon fail-
ure of any judge to attend, the remaining judge
or judges shall hold the election, and if none of the
judges attend, the citizens present shall select three
judges. The said judges of election, on the day of
Certify result.
election and immediately after the polls are closed,
shall count the ballots and certify the result to said