Collectors com-
the said commissioners for the purpose, whose compen-
sation for collecting said taxes shall not exceed five per
centum, and who shall give bond in such amount as
they shall prescribe and hold his office during their
pleasure; and the said collector, in collecting the said
taxes, shall have full power to distrain for the same in
the same manner as the collectors of state and county
taxes do, but the said tax shall not exceed ten centi
on the one hundred dollars for any one year.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the basis of taxa-
Basis of taxa-
tion, until a new assessment shall be made as herein-
after provided for, shall be the assessment now made
for county purposes.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of said town may, whenever they think it necessary,
New assess-
from time to time, cause a new assessment of the real
and personal property within the limits of the town,
and the, and for that purpose shall appoint two of the
qualified voters of the town, being free holders therein,
to make such assessments, who, before proceeding in
the execution of their duties, shall make oath before a
justice of the peace that they will diligently and faith-
fully, without fear or favor, partiality or prejudice,
assess all the taxable property within the limits of said
town, taking as the basis of said assessment the market
value of said property, according to the best of their skill
and judgment; and the said assessors shall return to the
said commissioners a fair copy of their assessment in a
well bound book, written one month after their ap-
pointment, and shall receive for their work as assessors
such compensation as the said commissioners may al-
Power to alter.
low; and the said commissioners shall have power to
alter and amend the said assessments whenever they
think that justice requires it.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
Elect treasurer.
sioners shall annually elect a treasurer of the corpora-
tion, who may be one of their number, and who shall
keep an accurate account of the receipts and disburse-
ments of the funds of the corporation in a well bound
book, and shall render annually to the commissioners
Annual state-
a succinct and detailed statement thereof, which state-
ment shall be posted in some public place in said
town annually, but before the said treasurer shall
act as such, he shall give bond to the State of Mary-
land in such penalty as the commissioners may pre-
scribe, with sureties, to be approved by them, condi-