often if they think proper, and a majority shall con-
stitute a board for the transaction of business; they
shall, at their first meeting, or as soon thereafter as
Elect president
may be possible, elect one of their number president,
who shall preside at the meetings of the board when
present, give directions to the clerk and bailiff by the
advice of the commissioners, and superintend such im-
provements of the town as may be ordered by the
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners may appoint a clerk, being one of their own
number or otherwise, and prescribe his duties; the-
said clerk shall keep a book or record of the proceed-
ings and ordinances of said commissioners, which shall
Deities of clerk.
be open at all times for the inspection of any person
interested; and said clerk shall make out and furnish
the collector once in every year a list of taxes for col-
lection; and he shall post up in at least three public
places in said town, copies of all ordinances passed by
said commissioners and intended to take effect and1
operate as local laws previous to their going effect.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners may pass ordinances to preserve the health of
the town; to prevent and remove nuisances; to prevent,
restrain and regulate the running at large of horses,
cattle, swine and geese within the limits of said town;.
to prohibit the firing of guns and pistols within the
limits of said town; to prohibit and disperse the
tumultuous or disorderly meetings of idle, dissolute or
Power to past
drunken persons; to provide for working and mending
the public streets; to open, close, alter and widen the
streets; to provide for the making and repairing of side-
walks and gutters, and generally to provide for the
regulation, good government and improvement of
said town, and may enforce the observance thereof
under such penalties, fines and forfeitures as they shall
deem proper, not exceeding ten dollars for any one
offense, and all such penalties, fines and forfeitures
may be recovered before a justice of the peace by a
warrant and judgment, and in case of failure or
refusal to pay the same, the party so fined shall be
committed for a period not exceeding ten days to the
public jail of Garrett county, in the same manner
that commitments are made for fines imposed by the cir-
cuit courts of this state on conviction for misdemeanor;
but the said commissioners, or majority of them, shall