election under this act, who shall give at least five days'
notice by posting not less than three written or printed
notices, in three or more conspicuous public places in
said town, of the time and place at which said election
shall be held; and the said judges of election, before
opening the polls, shall take an oath before some justice
Take oath.
of the peace of said county to permit every qualified
voter as aforesaid to vote, and none other; and a ma-
jority of said three judges shall have power to do all
things named under this section in case one of them
dies or refuses to act; and the said judges shall keep
the polls open at least three consecutive hours, and
shall record the names of the voters, and after the
closing of the polls shall at once count the ballots and
announce the result, and make and sign a certificate
Make certifi-
thereof, to be filed among the records of the said cor-
poration; and the commissioners so elected shall, as
soon thereafter as convenient, qualify and serve until
the first Monday in May, eighteen hundred and eighty-
six, and until their successors shall be elected and
qualified; and a failure to qualify within fifteen days
Failure deemed
after their election shall be deemed a refusal on the
part of the party so failing to accept the office to which
he has been elected.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any person so
elected as commissioners shall refuse to serve as such, or
his place shall become vacant by death, resignation, dis-
qualification or otherwise, the remaining commission-
Vacaucy ? how
ers shall fill the vacancy as early thereafter as possible
from among the qualified voters of said town; and the
person appointed to fill said vacancy shall hold the
office till the next election.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all future elections
shall be held and conducted as shall be from time to
Elections? how
time directed by the laws of the corporation, the same
not being inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That each commissioner
before he acts as such, shall make oath before a justice
of the peace in and for Garrett county, that he will
perform the duties of a commissioner of said town
without favor, partiality or prejudice, and a certificate
ers take oath.
of such qualification shall be made by the said justice
of the peace, and shall be filed and recorded among
the records of proceedings of said commissioners.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
isioners shall meet once in every two months, and more