SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That all fines imposed
and collected for violation of any of the provisions of
this act shall be divided as follows, to wit, one half to
Fines— how
disposed of.
the informer and the other half to the commissioners
of Saint Mary's or Charles county, as the case may be,
for the benefit of the school fund of said county.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 464.
AN ACT to appropriate the sums of money therein
mentioned, to pay the claims of Zachariah Shaw,
John F. Hopkins, Lemuel F. Lusby, J. J. Maclin,
Frank Compton, assignee of Thomas B. Robinson,
Alfred Grimes, Thomas Dean, Robert Brown, Wil-
liam L. Marbury, Richard L. Ogle, William W.
Hoxton and Thomas Clagett, of Weston, assignee
of Joseph Taylor, for moneys due for services ren-
dered in State Tobacco Warehouse number one.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the treasurer of the State of Ma-
ryland, upon the warrant of the comptroller of the
treasury, who is hereby authorized and directed to is-
sue the same, be and he is hereby directed to pay to
Zachariah Shaw the sum of forty dollars and sixty
six cents; to John P. Hopkins, eighty-four dollars ;
to Lemuel Lusby, seventy-seven dollars; to J. J. Mac-
lin, fifty-eight dollars; to Frank Compton, assignee of
Treasurer to
T. B. Robinson, forty-three dollars; to Alfred Grimes,
sixty-two dollars and one cent; to Thomas Dean, eighty-
three dollars; to Robert Brown, thirty-seven dollars and
thirty-six cents; to William L. Marbury, ninety-nine
dollars and fifty-nine cents; to Richard L. Ogle, fifty-
nine dollars; to William W. Hoxton, sixty-eight dollars,
and to Thomas Clagett of Weston, assignee of Joseph
Taylor, sixty dollars and ten cents, or to their respec-
tive assignees or attorneys, the same being due and un-