and sub-title "Taxes," of said article two of the Code
of Public Local Laws, from section one hundred and
ninety-five to section two hundred, both inclusive, be
and the same hereby are repealed, and the following
sections and sub-sections are enacted in lieu thereof as
parts of the Public Local Laws of Anne Arundel
county, the same to be added as new sections and sub-
sections to article two of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Anne Arundel county," under the sub-
title " Treasurer."
SEC. 195. The county commissioners of Anne Arun-
del county shall, on the first Tuesday in the month of
April, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, or as soon
thereafter as possible, and on the first Tuesday in the
Appoint the
month of April, biennially thereafter, or as soon
county treasu-
thereafter as possible, appoint a person, of sound
judgment and skill as an accountant, county treasurer
for said county, who shall give bond and qualify as
hereinafter directed, and shall hold his office for two
years, or until his successor is appointed and qualified,
except as hereinafter provided, and shall be re-eligible
thereto, and shall be subject to removal from his said
office at any time by the said county commissioners
for any wilful neglect of duty or misbehavior in office.
Duties of the
The said treasurer shall be the collector of all state
taxes and of all county taxes for whatsoever purpose
levied or to be levied for or within said county during
the term of his office, or that may be placed in his
hands for collection, and he shall have full power, and
it shall be his duty, to receive and collect all state and
county taxes, levied as aforesaid, or so put in his
hands for collection, and all monies which may be
due the said county, with full power to enforce the
payment of the same by sale or otherwise, as herein-
after prescribed, and to convey title to any real or per-
sonal estate sold by him for the payment of state or
county taxes in manner as prescribed by the succeed-
ing sections, or by existing laws not in conflict with this
SEC. 196. The person so appointed, before he enters
upon the duties of his said office, shall take an oath
Take oath.
before the clerk of the circuit court for said county in
form similar to that now taken by collectors of taxes,
except as to the title of his office, and to be similarly