Powers of cor-
establish copper works at any place within the State
of Maryland, and shall have all the powers, and be
subject to all the restrictions and obligations in other
respects conferred and imposed by the act to which
this is an amendment, upon the " Gunpowder Copper
Approved January 31, 1884.
Chapter 5.
AN ACT to provide for the payment of a sum of
money to William W. Moore, of Montgomery coun-
ty, Maryland, for cattle destroyed by order of the
Governor, under chapter four hundred and thirty-
nine, act of eighteen hundred and eighty, Public
General Laws of Maryland, title " Pleuro Pneu-
Draw warrant.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Comptroller of the State be
and he is hereby directed to draw his warrant on the
Treasurer of the State for the sum of three hundred
and sixty dollars ($360.00), in full compensation to
him, the said William W. Moore, for cattle destroyed
Full compen-
and loss sustained by him; said healthy and diseased
cattle being slaughtered by order of the Governor,
under chapter four hundred and thirty-nine, laws of
eighteen hundred and eighty.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 7, 1884.