Chapter 430.
AN ACT to compel Railroad Companies to place
Safety Gates at street crossings in Baltimore city.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all railroad companies, whose
tracks cross any street in Baltimore city at grade, shall
be and they are hereby required to place, erect and
keep in operation and repair safety gates at all of
Safety gates at
street crossings
such street crossings in said city, which said safety
gates shall be closed on the approach of any and every
train of cars or locomotive, and kept closed until the
said cars or locomotive have completely passed said
street crossings.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That any cor-
poration violating the provisions of the foregoing sec-
tion shall be liable to a fine of fifty dollars for each
crossing, and for every day on which said safety gates
are neglected to be erected or operated; said fine or
fines to be collected as other fines are now collected.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 431.
AN ACT to appropriate the sum of five hundred and
fifty-five dollars and ninety-two cents, to pay the
expenses incurred by Dr. Saint George W. Teackle,
State Vaccine Agent.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the comptroller be and he is here-
by authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the
treasurer in favor of Dr. Saint George W. Teaekle, for
Warrant to pay
the sum of five hundred and fifty-five dollars and
Dr. Teackle.
ninety-two cents, being the amount actually expended
by him for vaccine virus, over and above the amount
appropriated for the years eighteen hundred and
eighty-two and eighteen hundred and eighty-three.
Approved April 8, 1884.