collecting the state tax on Baltimore city stocks, three
hundred dollars; to the state librarian, for the pur-
chase of stationery, one hundred and fifty dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary; for the salaries
of the two night watchmen of the public buildings at
Annapolis, six hundred dollars each — twelve hundred
dollars; to the person employed to take care of the
public buildings and grounds, six hundred dollars; to
the person employed to take care of the court of
appeals room, one hundred dollars; to the person em-
ployed to take charge of the governor's mansion and the
furnaces thereof, six hundred dollars; to the keeper of
the state house furnaces and to his assistant, six hun-
dred dollars each — twelve hundred dollars; to the
For miscellane-
secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house
ous purposed.
of delegates, for salaries during the recess of the legis-
lature, three hundred dollars each — six hundred dol-
lars; for printing the annual report of the comptroller
for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-four,
six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; for the postage for the executive depart-
ment, the land office, the treasury department, the
secretary of the senate and chief clerk of the house
of delegates, twelve hundred and fifty dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary; for fuel and
lights for the public buildings and grounds, to be ex-
pended under the direction and control of the gov-
ernor, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as rnay
be necessary; for the traveling expenses of the state
tax commissioner, eight hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; for the state's subscrip-
tion to two hundred and fifty copies of J. T. Ring-
gold's Index to Maryland Reports, twenty-five hun-
For miscellane-
ous purposes.
dred dollars; for repairs on the governor's mansion
and stable attached thereto, three thousand five hun-
dred dollars; for embellishment of the state house
grounds and approaches to the state house, three hun-
dred dollars; to Samuel Stewart, for plumbing repairs,
one hundred and sixteen dollars and eighty cents, and
five hundred dollars for state house repairs, to be ex-
pended under the direction of the state librarian,
which sums of one hundred and sixteen dollars and
eighty cents and five hundred dollars shall be paid
upon the presentation of the certificate of the librarian
that the said work is completed and is satisfactory by
the warrant of the comptroller upon the treasurer, to