For the salaries of the two commissioners of fish-
eries, fifteen hundred dollars each — three thousand
For salaries of
dollars, and to defray the expenses of the commission-
fish commis-
ers of fisheries, as per act of eighteen hundred and
seventy-six, chapter forty-seven, ten thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as' in the opinion of the governor
may be necessary.
To the State House of Correction, for the support
of the institution, twenty-five thousand dollars; to the
Lying-in Hospital for Indigent Women, three thou-
sand dollars; to the Home of the Friendless Children,
at Easton, Talbot county, two thousand dollars; to the
House of Refuge, fifteen thousand dollars; to the
House of Reformation and Instruction for Colored
Children, ten thousand dollars; to the Industrial
Home for Colored Girls, two thousand dollars; to the
Maryland Institute for the Promotion of Mechanic
Arts, as provided by act of eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-eight, chapter three hundred and thirteen, three
thousand dollars; to the managers of the Maryland
Hospital for the Insane, twenty thousand dollars ;
to the Home of the Friendless of Baltimore
city, three thousand dollars; for expenses of the
state board of health, including the salary of the sec-
retary of said board, two thousand dollars, and all
other appropriations for said state board of health by
the acts of eighteen hundred and eighty, or any other
acts, be and the same are hereby repealed; to the state
vaccine agent, for his salary, six hundred dollars, and
to defray the expenses of procuring reliable vaccine
virus, twelve hundred dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary; to the House of the Good Shep-
herd, two thousand dollars; to the Hospital for the
Women of Maryland, of Baltimore city, two thousand
To the members of the appeal tax court of Balti-
For miscellane-
more city, for making out the lists of the holders of
ous purposes.
Baltimore city stocks, fifty dollars each— one hundred
and fifty dollars; to the register of Baltimore city, for