Chapter 400.
AN ACT to repeal the act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-eight, chapter sixty-one, entitled " An act to
add an additional section to the Code of Public
General Laws, article sixty-nine, entitled officers,' "
and to re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That chapter sixty-one of the acts of
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled " An act to
Repealed and
add an additional section to the Code of Public
General Laws, article sixty-nine, entitled officers,'' '
be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so
as to read as follows, and to be numbered as section
twelve of said article.
12. Whenever the General Assembly shall meet, it
shall not be necessary for any officer of the preced-
Officers to be
ing general assembly to be present, except the chief
clerk, reading clerk and door-keeper of the House of
Delegates and the secretary and dook-keeper of the
Senate; and in case of the death or inability to attend
of either the chief clerk of the House of Delegates, or
Who act in
secretary of the Senate, the journal clerk shall act in
his place; and in the case of the death or absence of
the door-keeper, his assistant shall act in his stead, and
they shall be paid five days' per diem and mileage, at
the rate of ten cents per mile, for such attendance ;
and the payment of any other officer of a preceding
general assembly than those herein enumerated is
hereby forbidden.
Approved April 8, 1884.