which any person interested may inspect without
charge; and if any one shall feel aggrieved at the
valuation and assessment of his property by said
assessor or assessors, he may appeal from such valua-
, Appeal.
tion to the said commissioners at any time within two
weeks from the return of said assessment, and upon
good cause being shown the said commissioners may
make any alteration in said assessment which they
may deem proper and right, or take from and add to
the same; and for the purpose of hearing and deter-
mining the appeals provided for by this section, the
said commissioners shall give five days' previous
Give notice.
notice of time and place of hearing such appeals by
advertisements, to be posted at the hotel and the
court-house door, in said town, or printed in some
newspaper published therein.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That all property, real,
personal and mixed, bonds, stocks and private securi-
ties of all kinds and descriptions whatsoever, within
the limits of the town of Dentoti or owned by the in-
habitants thereof, and not permanently located beyond
Property, &c —
how valued.
the limits thereof, by law liable to be valued and
assessed and chargeable with taxes in this state shall
be valued at its cash value, and chargeable according
to such valuation with the public assessment, for the
use and purposes of the said corporation; any assessor
or assessors appointed by the commissioners of said
town shall have the power and authority to require
Authority of
the owner or owners, possessor or claimants of any
property made liable to valuation and assessments to
give him or them such full and accurate statement in
writing, of his, her or their property as may be neces-
sary to enable the assessor or assessors to ascertain the
value thereof, the same to be under the oath of such
person or persons to be administered by the assessor
or one of the assessors.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall wilfully refuse, or after ten days' notice
shall neglect to render any such statement of his, her
Refusal to
or their property or effects in any part thereof, as he,
make state-
she or they are required to furnish upon the requisi-
tion of the assessor or assessors for the said corporation,
the said assessor or assessors shall then upon his or
their own knowledge and upon the best information
he or they can obtain, value the property of such
person or persons to the utmost sum he or they believe