conditioned that he shall well and faithfully perform
the duties of said office in all things appertaining
thereto according to law and the ordinances of said
Collect and pay
commissioners, and shall well and truly collect and
pay over to the treasurer of said corporation all taxes
levied by the commissioners, and all other sums of
money that may be received by him for the use of
said corporation.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the treasurer shall
be appointed from among the citizens of said town
qualified to vote for commissioners; and before enter-
Treasurer give
ing upon the duties of his office he shall give bond to
the State of Maryland, with two good and sufficient
sureties, to be approved by the said commissioners, in
such penalty as the said commissioners shall prescribe,
conditioned that he shall well and faithfully account
for all moneys paid over to him by the bailiff of said
corporation, or that may be received by him from any
other person or persons for the use of said corpora-
tion, and shall well and truly pay over to his succes-
sor in office, or to the order of said commissioners,
signed by their clerk and countersigned by their presi-
dent, and perform all other duties of his office accord-
ing to law and the ordinances of said commissioners ;
Keep accounts.
he shall keep full and correct accounts of all moneys
received by him, with the sources from which received
and the dates of such receipts and of the disburse-
ments made by him, with the time when the persons
to whom and on what account the same were made.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the assessor or
assessors shall be appointed from among the citizens of
said town entitled to vote for commissioners of said
town; and before he or they shall proceed to act as
Take oath.
assessors he or they shall take an oath before a justice of
the peace for Caroline county that he or they will assess
and value the assessable property of every sort within.
said town at its full cash value without favor, par-
tiality or prejudice, to the best of his or their skill
Record in book
and judgment; he or they shall enter and record in a
book' or books, to be provided for that purpose, an
accurate and fair account of all property, stocks and
private securities of every sort within said town liable
to assessment, and the valuation thereof, together with
a list of the owners thereof, which shall be returned
by him or them to the said commissioners on or before
the thirtieth day of June in each and every year, and