the limits of said town, recorded in liber T. R., num-
ber I, folios five hundred and twenty -six, and from
thence runs south twenty-one and one-quarter degrees,
west forty-two perches; thence south sixty-seven and
one-half degrees, east one hundred and forty-five and
one-half perches; thence north twenty-three and one-
fourth degrees, east forty-two perches, to the cor-
ner of the lines extending the limits of said town
under the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-one,
chapter one hundred and thirty-eight; thence south
Metes and
sixty-seven and one-half degrees, east sixty perches ;
thence north twenty-three and one-fourth degrees, east
sixty-four perches; thence north sixty-six and one-
fourth degrees, west forty perches; thence north
twenty-five degrees, east a straight line to Spring
Branch; thence -with stream of said branch until it
reaches Choptank river; and thence with the said
river until it reaches the beginning of the first line of
said original survey; and the commissioners of Den ton.
may hereafter enlarge and extend the limits and
bounds of said town in their discretion; provided that
the entire area shall not exceed four hundred acres.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the citizens of
Denton, who have resided in said town for six months
previous to the day of election, and who are qualified
in other respects to vote for delegates to the general
Elect commis-
assembly, shall, on the fourth Monday of April annu-
sioners annual-
ally, between the hours of one and five o'clock p. m.,
at such place as the commissioners of said town shall
appoint, elect by ballot five persons, residents and
qualified voters of said town, as commissioners of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
or a majority of them shall be judges of said election,
Judges of elec-
or they may appoint any three voters to act as judges,
and the proceedings shall be recorded under their
direction; and every commissioner or person so ap-
pointed before he opens an election, shall make oath
before a justice of the peace for Caroline county that
he will faithfully and impartially permit every person.
to vote at such election, who shall be qualified to vote
for commissioners of said town, and that he will not
suffer any person to vote at such election who shall
not be legally qualified to vote; and the five persons
Who elected.
having the highest number of votes shall be declared