Chapter 367.
AN ACT for the better regulation and improvement
of the town of Denton, extending the bounds thereof,
and incorporating the same.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the inhabitants of the town of
Denton, in Caroline county, are a body corporate by
the name of the " Commissioners of Denton," and by
that name may sue and be sued, may purchase and
hold real, personal and mixed property, or dispose of
the same for the benefit of said town, and may have
ers of Denton
and use a common seal, which may be altered at pleas-
ure, and the said corporation may organize, proceed
and act through its commissioners to be selected as
hereinafter provided; and the persons now acting as
commissioners of Denton are hereby declared to be
such, and shall hold office until their successors are
duly qualified.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all property and
funds of every kind belonging to or in possession of
the town of Denton, and all taxes levied and assessed
by the commissioners now acting or their predecessors
are vested in the said corporation; and said corpora-
Receive in trust
tion may receive in trust and may control, for the
purpose of such trusts all money or other property,
which may have been or shall be bestowed upon such
corporation by will, deed or in any other form of gift
or conveyance for any general corporation purpose,
or in aid of the indigent and poor, or for charitable
purpose, within said village and the said corporation
may lease or otherwise dispose of any property now
owned or which may be hereafter acquired by said
Give public no-
village, having first given public notice of such lease
or sale, in one or more of the newspapers printed in.
Caroline county, once a week for three successive
weeks before such lease or sale.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the boundaries and
limits of said town shall be as heretofore fixed, estab-
Boundaries and
lished and described as per plats and surveys thereof
recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court
for Caroline county, and also by the following metes
and bounds, courses and distances, to wit : Beginning
at the end of the first line of the original survey of