subscribed for, and when the sum of thirty thousand
dollars of stock shall have been subscribed, and fifteen
thousand dollars paid therein, then it shall be lawful
for said bank to proceed in all things according to this
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the affairs of said
How managed.
corporation shall be managed by seven directors, a
majority of whom shall be citizens of Worcester
county, and one of whom shall be president of the
bank; the first election of directors shall take place
thirty days after the organization of said corporation,
which organization shall take place as soon as stock
to the amount of thirty thousand dollars shall have
been subscribed for; of the time and place of holding
which election, the persons named in the first section
of this act, or a majority of them, shall give at least
two weeks notice in some newspaper published in the
town of Snow Hill, in Worcester county, Maryland ;
the term of service of said directors shall continue
for one year, or until another election, the directors
thereafter shall be elected annually from amongst
the stockholders, at such time and place and in such
manner as the by-laws of this corporation may direct;
the directors for the time being, or a majority of them,
Powers of the
shall have the power to elect a president from their
own body to fill all vacancies that may occur in the
directors or presidency, to appoint all such officers,
agents and servants as they shall deem necessary to
conduct or execute the business of said corporation,
to fix their compensation and, in their discretion, to
dismiss them; to take bonds for and in the name of
the corporation from any and all of the officers, agents
or servants by them so appointed, with security, con-
ditioned in such form as they shall approve for the
faithful discharge of the duties of such officers, agents
and servants, to secure the said corporation from loss;
to invest the funds of the corporation, and to do such
other lawful acts touching the same as they may deem
Pass by-laws.
beneficial and proper; to pass all such by-laws as may
be necessary for the exercise of the aforesaid powers,
or any of the powers vested by this act in said corpo-
ration, and the said by-laws to alter and repeal; pro-
vided that all such by-laws may be altered or repealed
by a majority of the stockholders at any annual or
general meeting called in pursuance of the provisions
of this act; and a majority of the stockholders may