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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 45   View pdf image (33K)
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tion districts one for one year and one for two years,

and one of the said commissioners in each election

district shall be appointed from the political party

opposite in opinion to the majority of the county com-
missioners; and on the second Tuesday of December

in every year the county commissioners shall appoint

one road commissioner each for the first, second, third,

fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh election districts, to

Term of ser-

serve for three years from the first day of January of


the following year, and one road commissioner each

for the eighth and ninth election districts, to serve for

two years from the first day of January of the follow-

ing year, said appointments to be so made that their

will always be in each election district one commis-

sioner from the minority political party; and in case

of a vacancy from death, resignation, removal, inability

Vacancy — how

or refusal of any road commissioner to act, the county


commissioners shall fill said vacancy by appointment

for the unexpired term; but if any road commissioner

shall be only temporarily disabled, though prevented

from the performance of his duties, his office shall not

be deemed vacant, and he may select one of the other

commissioners in the election district to act in his

place, and no road commissioner shall become the

supervisor of any road.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said road com-

missioners shall, when they have received their com-

missions from the clerk of the county commissioners,

subscribe to the following oath or affirmation before

the said clerk or any justice of the peace in Cecil

county : "I, ........... road commissioner for the

Oath to be sub-

..... election district of Cecil county, do solemnly

scribed to.

swear (or affirm) that I will well and faithfully dis-

charge all the duties imposed upon me by law, and

endeavor, earnestly and honestly, without fear, favor

or affection, to so administer my office as to promote

the public welfare, so help me God ;" which shall be

attached to each commission, and a copy filed in the

office of the county commissioners; and as soon as the

road commissioners first appointed under this act shall

have thus qualified, they shall, with the county com-

missioners in charge of their respective election dis-

tricts, proceed to contract for keeping the public roads

Contract for

in good repair for a term of three years from the first

keeping public
roads in repair.

day of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, and,

in like manner, their successors shall, prior to the ex-

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 45   View pdf image (33K)
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