Chapter 2.
AN ACT to repeal section one of chapter sixteen of
an act passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-two, chapter three hundred and
seventy-seven, entitled an act to repeal an act
passed at the January session of eighteen hundred
and seventy, entitled an act to repeal an act passed
at the January session of eighteen hundred and
sixty-eight, entitled " Public Education," providing
for a general system of Free Public Schools for the
State of Maryland, and to substitute another section
in lieu of the one repealed.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted ly the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section one of chapter sixteen of
an act passed at the January session, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, chapter three hundred and seventy-
Repealed and
seven, entitled an act to repeal an act passed at the
January session of eighteen hundred and seventy, en-
titled an act to repeal an act passed at the January
session of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled
"Public Education," providing for a general system
of free public schools for the State of Maryland, and
to repeal all laws inconsistent therewith, and to re-en-
act the same with amendments, be and the same is
hereby repealed, and the following section enacted in
lieu thereof:
Establish free
public schools.
CHAPTER 16, SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore shall have full power and authority
to establish in said city a system of free public schools,
which shall include a school or schools for manual or
industrial training, under such ordinances, rules and
regulations as they may deem fit and proper to enact
Delegate su-
pervisory pow-
and prescribe; they may delegate supervisory powers
and control to a Board of Public School Commission-
ers; may prescribe rules for building school houses and
locating, establishing and closing schools, and may in
general do every act that may be necessary or proper
in the premises.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved January 31, 1884.