prosecutions, shall be by said justice of the peace
committed to the county jail for a period of twenty
DEC. 2. And be ii further enacted, That all fines
collected under the foregoing section shall be paid by
the justice of the peace before whom such conviction
Fines— how
disposed of.
shall be had, and whose duty it is hereby made to col-
lect the same, over to the county commissioners of
said county, within a period of thirty days after the
receiving the same.
Approved March 4, 1884.
Chapter 36.
AN ACT to direct the Garrett County Commission-
ers of Garrett county to levy a sum of money for
the use of John Swan, of Baltimore county, for
taxes paid in error.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Garrett county commission-
ers of Garrett county be and they are hereby author-
Levy for taxes
paid in error.
ized, at the time of making their next annual levy, to
levy for the use of John Swan, of Baltimore county,
the sum of one hundred and fifty-six dollars and two
cents, as taxes paid in error, provided the said county
commissioners shall find the same to have been paid
in error.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 4, 1884.