ing powers and franchises, but the same shall be
closed; and after the payment of its debts and liabili-
ties, the remaining assets and property of said corpor-
ation shall be divided among the stockholders or their
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That any and all acts
Arts repealed.
or parts of act or acts inconsistent with the provisions
of this act be and are hereby repealed.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
When effected.
effect from the date of its passage; provided, that the
stockholders of said corporation shall, at a general
meeting called by the board of directors of said cor-
poration, giving at least two weeks' notice in two or
more daily newspapers published in the city of Balti-
Vote majority
more, assent to and adopt this act, by the vote of a
majority of the stock represented at such meeting in
person or by proxy, which assent and adoption shall
be certified by a majority of the directors under the
seal of the corporation, be transmitted to the clerk of
the court of appeals, and by him recorded among the
records of his office.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 254.
AN ACT to further enlarge the powers of the Wash-
ington and Atlantic Railroad Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That in order to enable the Washing-
ton and Atlantic Railroad Company (a corporation
duly incorporated under the laws of this state), to
carry out the purpose for which it was organized, that
said company is hereby authorized and empowered,
File amended
within sixty days after the passage of this act, to file
with the secretary of the State of Maryland, an
amended certificate of incorporation, designating
Baltimore city, Maryland, as one of the termini of
said railroad, and a point on the state line of Mary-
land, at or near the confluence of the Monocacy and
Potomac rivers, as another terminus of said railroad