Chapter 353.
AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of
Kent county to build a new jail for Kent county ;
to borrow money on the credit of the county for
that purpose; to issue bonds for the payment of
the same; to levy and collect taxes for the payment
of such bonds, and the interest on the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the county commissioners of
Kent county be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to build a hew jail for said county, on the
Empowered to
buiid new jail.
site of the present jail for said county, or in any other
more eligible or convenient location which the said
county commissioners may select, and in such build-
ing to use such of the materials of the present jail of
said county as they may deem suitable.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That should
said county commissioners determine that the public
convenience requires that such new jail should be
erected upon any other or different lot than the one
Power of com-
upon which the present jail for said county stands,
then the said county commissioners are hereby author-
ized and empowered to purchase such ground or
grounds as may be required for the erection of such
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of
defraying the expenses of the erection of said build-
Borrow money
ing, and the purchase of said grounds, the said county
to defray ex-
commissioners are authorized and empowered to bor-
row, from time to time, the required sum of money,
not exceeding in the whole the sum of twenty thous-
and dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said county
commissioners be and they are hereby authorized and
issue bonds.
empowered to issue bonds in sums of not less than one
hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars,
to be signed by the president of said board of county
commissioners and countersigned by the clerk of said
board, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, said
Interest ? how
bonds to bear interest, payable semi-annnally, on the
first day of January and on the first day of July; pro-
vided due notice shall be given in the papers of the