Chapter 239.
AN ACT to appropriate a sun) of money to pay the
Electors of President and Vice-President of the
United States, in and for the State of Maryland,
their officers and attendants.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of five hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the
Per diem.
same is hereby appropriated to pay the per diem and
mileage of the Electors of President and V ice-President
of the United States, in and for the State of Mary-
land, their officers and attendants.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the comptroller of
the treasury is hereby directed to issue his warrant on
the treasurer, upon the certificate of the president and
Coimptroller to
secretary of the electoral college, which assembles in
issue warrant.
the city of Annapolis on the third day of December,
eighteen hundred and eighty-four, for such sum as
may be due the several electors aforesaid, their officers
and attendants.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 240.
AN ACT to make valid and effectual, and legalize
the official acts and proceedings of Richard T.
Browning, a justice of the peace in district number
six, Garrett county, Maryland.
WHEREAS Richard T. Browning, of Garrett county,
Maryland, by the governor of this state, was ap-
pointed and commissioned a justice of the peace on
the seventeenth day of April, eighteen hundred and
eighty-two, as his own successor, in election district
number six, and having failed to qualify as such, con-
tinued to act as a justice of the peace after the expira-
tion of his term of office, which expired on the first
day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-two; and