municipal taxation, upon its said Philadelphia Branch
Railroad, together with all buildings and other works
to be constructed and used in connection with the
same; and that its said elevated railroad and tunnel
property, forming parts of said branch railroad, shall
Elevated rail-
road to bo as-
be valued and assessed in the same manner as any
bridges forming parts of railroads, and tunnels con-
nected with railroads, are now by law directed to be
valued and assessed for purposes of taxation; and
provided further, that said company shall be responsi-
Responsible for
ble for injuries done to any private property binding
on any street in the city of Baltimore along which
said branch railroad shall be constructed; and the
damages for such injuries may be recovered by civil
action, brought by the respective owner or owners of
such private property, at any time within three years
after the completion of said branch railroad in the
said city of Baltimore; but one action only shall be
brought in respect to the injuries done to any parcel
of private property owned by one or more than one
person or corporation; and in the ascertainment of
said damages, the benefits, if any, to said property,
Benefits to be
shall be considered, and no damages shall be given
unless the same shall be found to exceed said benefits ;
provided also that the owner or owners of any pro-
perty so binding on any street in said city, along
which said branch railroad shall be constructed, shall
have the right to require said railroad company to
Require to pur-
purchase and accept such property at its present tax
assessment, upon waiver of till claim or claims for
damage; but such owner or owners shall exercise
such option to require said company to accept said
property within six months after notice given by the
railroad company of its intention to locate said rail-
road along such street; said notice to be given by
publication in some daily newspaper, printed and
published in the city of Baltimore, at least once a
Publish notice.
week for four successive weeks.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said com-
pany, in constructing its said road upon the route
to be selected by it, as provided in the first section of
this act, may construct a surface road from the west
Construct sur-
side of Patterson Park avenue to Cannon street, de-
face road.
pressing Burke street not exceeding four (4) feet, and
raising Cannon street not exceeding six (6) feet, at
the crossings of said streets; said company shall