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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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and valves, or tap any of the pipes, of the said Em-

Unlawful to
open stops and

mittsburg Water Company, or draw therefrom any


water, without the permission of said company first

had and obtained, under such regulations as said

company shall prescribe.

SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That it shall not be law-

ful for any person or persons to open or interfere in

any manner with any of the fire-plugs and hydrants

Not interfere
with tire-plugs.

of said Eminittsburg Water Company, or discharge

any water therefrom, without the permission of said

company first had and obtained, under such regula-

tions as said company shall prescribe.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That it shall not be law-

ful for any person or persons to do, or cause to be

done, any act whatsoever whereby the water or works,

Not to be im-
paired or in-

reservoirs, storage dams, or any pipe, plug, hydrant,


valve, cock, water instrument or machine, belonging

to the Emmittsbnrg Water Company, in Frederick

county, shall be stopped, obstructed, impaired or


SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That, upon information

given, upon oath or affirmation, to any justice of the

peace of Frederick county, of any violation of any of

Penalty for

the provisions of this act, such justice shall issue his


warrant, to be directed to the sheriff or any constable

of said county, for the arrest of the offender or offend-

ers, and to bring such offender or offenders before said

justice, or any other justice of the peace of said

county; and, upon conviction thereof, the said offender

or offenders shall be fined not less than five nor more

than one hundred dollars, together with the costs of

the proceedings, to be taxed aa costs in other criminal

proceedings, one-half of said fine to be paid to the

informer, and the other half to the Emmitsburg

Water Company, in Frederick county; and in case of

Penalty for

the non-payment of such fine and costs imposed by

non-payment of

said justice, the said offender or offenders shall be

committed to the county jail for a period not less than

five days nor more than sixty days, or until such fine

and costs are paid.

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That, in addition to the

remedy and punishments provided for in section seven

Apply for in-

of this act, the Emmittsburg Water Company, in Fred-


erick county, is authorized and empowered, by infor-

mation or petitions filed in the name of the Emmitts-

burg Water Company, in Frederick county, to apply

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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