Chapter 168.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County
Commissioners of Garrett county to fund certain
indebtedness of the Board of County School Com-
missioners of Garrett county, by issuing bonds
therefor, and by levying a tax upon the assessable
property of said county to pay the same.
WHEREAS the board of county school commissioners
of Garrett county, has at various times, become in-
debted in certain sums of money for the purpose of
maintaining its schools and providing school houses for
the said county, which said sums of money are now due
from and owing by said county; and whereas it is
desirable to provide by law for the gradual liquidation
of the said indebtedness; therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the county commissioners of Gar-
rett county be and they are hereby authorized and
Issue bonds of
empowered, in their discretion, to issue the bonds of
said county to an amount not exceeding the sum of
eighteen thousand dollars, in sums of not less than
one hundred and not more than one thousand dollars
each, and all of the said bonds to be signed by the
president of said board of county commissioners, and
countersigned by the clerk of said board of county
commissioners, whose duty it shall be to affix to each
and every bond so issued the seal of the said board,
and said bonds shall draw interest at a rate not to
Kate of in-
exceed six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually
on the first days of June and December respectively,
until said bonds are paid; and the interest coupons
attached to said bonds shall be received, if tendered,
by the collector of taxes for said county, in payment
of county taxes due from the holder thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said bonds shall
be sold by the county commissioners of Garrett county
How sold.
aforesaid to the highest bidder for cash, at not less than
their par value.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said bonds shall be
issued to mature at such dates as shall not require the
payment in any one year of more than one thousand dol-
lars of the principal sum thereof, and shall be redeem-