SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person who
shall transgress the terms or requirements of any order
or regulation issued and prescribed by the said veter-
inary inspector, with the consent of the governor,
Penalty for re-
under the authority of this act, or shall refuse to said
fusing access.
veterinary inspector, or his assistants, access to his or
their premises, farms or stables, or shall conceal the
fact that contagious or infectious diseases exists on his
premises, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any person who
shall sell or otherwise dispose of an animal which he
knows, or has reason to believe, is affected by any
contagious or infectious disease, or has been exposed
to the same within ninety days, or shall permit the
Penalty for vio-
same to pass over, or upon any public highway, street,
lane or alley of this state, without the consent of said
veterinary inspector, or assistant, shall, on conviction
thereof, be fined not less than fifty nor more than one
hundred dollars for each animal.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in the event of any
building or buildings, sheds or stables, being reported
to the governor by said inspector as being incapable
Destruction of
buildings, &c
of proper disinfection, it shall be his duty to have
such premises appraised, in a similar manner as pre-
scribed in the succeeding section for appraisement of
diseased animals, and destroyed, and the owner there-
of paid by the comptroller as herein provided for pay-
How paid for.
ment for animals slaughtered.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in the event of its
being deemed necessary by the said veterinary in-
spector to prevent the spread of contagious infection,
to cause any animal or animals diseased to be slaugh-
tered, the value of such animal or animals shall be
appraised, in their then condition, by two sworn
appraisers, to be sworn before any officer authorized
to administer oaths and affirmations, one of which to
be appointed by the owner of such animal or animals,
Appraisers ?
the other by said veterinary inspector; or in case the
how appointed
said owner shall neglect or refuse to name such ap-
praiser, then by two appraisers, to be appointed by
said veterinary inspector, who, in case of disagree-
ment, shall call in a third; which said appraisement
shall be returned to the comptroller by said veterinary
inspector, and the comptroller shall forthwith issue
his warrant to the treasurer for the amount of the